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Composite complexion
Plestic Man Jazzbunker
S5 met henk Plantage Festival Schiedam
Vozels Binnenstadsdag Rotterdam
smuRFBRain 96 Kralingen
smurfbrain 13 mei '05 Trouwerij Maarten Last gig.

The Association


Started holding guitars in the 1970s because it's cool, and learned to play the basic chords. The interest in the Blues was already there then, as well as the desire for the popular rock acts: Alice Cooper, Slade, post-Chinn&Chapman Sweet, Led Zeppelin, Deep Purple etc.

I join up and fool around with some bands. Attic rooms, no proper instruments/equipment. And because everybody else wanted to be the "cool" guitarplayer (and propably didn't had the guts for it) I take up singing (or chanting lyrics, actually).


Slaughterhouse Five


At the end of the 70's the Punk wave. What a liberation! Go wild, make a lot of noise and call it music! Four strings are easier to manage I reckon, so I started playing bass guitar. And a real serious band, with some real musicians. First with Frank Bergman, Rien Schaap, Jan van Velzen and Henk Hekkema. Later we will continue as a trio with Willem Kruithof as drummer, his place will be filled after a year by Reno de Bruin. 

Driven by Punk, and a birthday grant from my father, we release a 7” single. You might as well live b/w Hey, there you have the ME/For that's a real cop. Currently still round about 150 copies in stock. With or without cover. For sale €10+p/p.


                                                   S5: YOU MIGHT AS WELL LIVE - YouTube









The Vozels


I start dating a girl who calls herself Bram, she also makes music. She sings in The Vozels, Nils Mekel plays drums, Ronald van Oudheusden plays bass guitar. On guitar they have a killer, Jouke. He also plays in a band that is making more progress and quits with The Vozels. I approach them, an open application. I can come and play with them provided I bring Frank as a second guitarist. So Jouke is worth 2 guitarists. Thanks to a deal with the Popcircus, we regularly perform with the Vozels. It all looks slick and sometimes it sounds good too. Yet it is slowly bleeding to death, Bram is busy with the Ramjets, with which she scores high in the Grote Prijs van Nederland, a musicians contest. Frank and Ronald are conscripted into the Yompin' Cockroaches. I am allowed on an internship with the latter band, but is found too light by chief Ronnie Roteb.


The Coyotes


After some rumbling, a lot of booze and drugs, a band formed. With Constant Brinkman as the driving force on drums, Rien Schaap (guitar) and Ronald Van Oudheusden (bass guitar). Many performances thanks to Constant's network, including a support act for Beast of Bourbon in the Melkweg, Amsterdam and The Fix in Arena, Rotterdam. There are still studio recordings circulating, and there are also some  recordings of the Arena performance. Yet boredom sets in. Too little Blues, too much Pop. The ambitions are too far apart. I decide to play American Football.


Plestic Man


Frank, Jan and Rien have meanwhile started a band. Sixties Rhythm'n Blues. At some point I may participate. We make some recordings and release them on cassette ourselves. Reno, the drummer, is replaced by Nils Mekel. Nils plays guitar with Jan in Waste of Time but will play drums with Plestic Man. Gives a musical boost. 

                                               Misery Poverty & Pain - Smurfbrain - YouTube  








Jan will become more and more involved with Waste of Time. Ronald van Oudheusden, who Frank still knows from the band Sons of the Yompin' Cockroaches, will play bass guitar. Music is played without obligation, we perform in cafes or small halls. Later, Frank's brother, Tom, starts playing bass guitar. Ronald is too busy with work as a reporter for Radio Rijnmond. We make recordings and a CD: Mi Casa, Su Casa. Drink and drugs meanwhile are taking their toll and are increasingly predominant in my life. After a performance Frank puts an end to it, he no longer feels like pulling a dead horse. We live around 2005.







                                           The Bergman Therapy - YouTube


                                            Thanks for the Party - The Bergman Therapy - YouTube



I am increasingly drifting into excessive drinking, I hardly do anything with music anymore. I buy a ZoomR8  though, record some separate takes, but give no further notice to the device.I still maintain my guitars as if they were pets. At Frank's request, I play some harmonica here and there (eg on his solo album Hard Times Baby) and do some acoustic performances with him (eg opening act for Barrelhouse). By mid-2015, the drinking is at such a excessive level that my partner issues an ultimatum. I am going to attend AA meetings and have since stopped using alcohol. As my life gets back on track, I pick up gaming. After a while I'm more creating ie customizing the games I play. The Zoom comes into view more and more, resulting in recording sessions in which I learn to understand the device better and better. I decide to start a project. In the meantime I ended up in Zeeland. Ellewoutsdijk, the extreme tip of the Zak van Zuid-Beveland. On the banks of the Western Scheldt. The Zeeland Delta. Hobo because it just sounds cool, but for the sake of art: Because I like to roam musically?! Whatever you like to hear!

Am I making music? I think so. Someone else will qualify it as noise. I don't give a bit. Noise it will be.

I'm not a band, but if someone wants to play along and there's a "click", Be my guest!


                                                         Welcome to the Delta Hobo Noise Association!



First(and only)single-You might as well live
CD cover Mi Casa Su Casa designed by Hans Bijloo
LP Sleeve Hard Times Baby
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